Are you ready to study in a designated learning institution (DLI) in Canada?
If you hold an admission letter in a learning institution in Canada, or you are ready to enroll into a school, we can help you in asking for your admission and applying for your study permit. We will provide you professional advice and representation in immigration so you don't have to wonder if you put your best foot forward. While we cannot guarantee that your permit will be granted, we can advise on the best path. This is paramount and the best you can do given the changing winds in the Canadian immigration landscape, especially for students.
Did you know that an agent at IRCC has to make a decision on your study permit within 6 minutes of opening it? Nearly one out of two study permit requests are refused, for various reasons: the file is incomplete, the project is not coherent, the proofs are inappropriate. It doesn't have to be that way! We are specialists of immigration and our work is to insure your file contains all the documents and proofs you need. We insure that your file is complete, accurate and difficult to refuse by an immigration agent.
We have planned this service to reduce your costs while maximizing the chances of success. But that is not all! Once you have your study permit, you have to obey its boundaries. We will advise on what to do and what not to do and how to make your study experience valuable and fun. After all, you may have further plans, such as applying for permanent residence. We understand that you need an advisor to be on your side.
We are rooting for YOU!
Do you want to study in Canada
but you do not know where to start?
There are many paths for immigrating to Canada. Before we can help you, start by making a plan for yourself. What do you want to do? Why? What are your ressources? What is your ultimate goal? How much time are you willing to invest to achieve your goal?
Once you know what you want, we can help you evaluate your chances of getting there. Until then, read, gather information, plan. You can subscribe to our news and updates. From time to time, we send out information.
Follow us on Facebook. We will soon have live sessions where we answer your questions.